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Changing the future of digital energy

Empowering GreenTek's Crypto Currency

The GreenTek platform is a state-of-the-art ecosystem that combines green energy, data, and peer to peer solutions. GreenTek will offer a system that connects users on the platform with real time power usage, and cost data, that will empower these users and utility companies to create both green and profitable solutions for their power needs.

We live in a world where data is more valuable than gold. Real time data is when a user deploys any of GreenTek’s green energy solutions. The user creates a profile detailing the location and region information. Once this profile is completed, the green technology will continuously push information to the blockchain detailing energy produced, during what times, what temperatures, etc. For products that are minimizing energy consumption, information about usage will be pushed instead. We have engineered ways to push as much information to the blockchain as possible.


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Many Uses of GTE Utility Coin

Energy is becoming more like a currency every day, but a system that allows people to trade this energy with other individuals doesn’t yet exist. With our ecosystem and platform, people will be able to sell energy to their neighbors and also buy energy that originated from green sources around them. In early phases, users that are on the same power grid will be linked on the platform and the ability to buy and sell power will be available based on regions and power grids. For the first time, users will be able to buy energy from their neighbors. This energy exchange program will give investors and users a new way to generate income and give consumers a choice to decide from where they want their power to come.


To establish a blockchain trading platform, GreenTek will be listed on the Binance-Dex Exchange selling GTE Utility Tokens. The benefits of this listing include:

Diversify Multiple Eco Projects

GreenTek has the capacity to fund and develop projects for the purpose of power generation and distribution.

Powerful Joint Ventures

Cost coverage to develop joint venture associations with technology partners.

Produce Powerful Data & Analytics

Continued research and development of highly advanced renewable green energy technologies for deployment.

Enhance Unique Blockchain

Accelerated funding to further develop the blockchain platform.

Worldwide Market Coverage

Generation of global and high-profile PR and marketing coverage for the GreenTek Trading platform.

Professional Services

Funding of programs that acquire professional services for GreenTek’s full corporate structure.

Token Sale


GTE: A Utility Token represents a Unit of Renewable Energy or Energy Savings, which is tradable on the energy market blockchain platforms. We have already minted two billion GreenTek Energy (GTE) Tokens.


A token sale is an innovative fundraising method based on Blockchain technology. Our token sale and the corresponding token creation process are covered by GreenTek, a company based in Puerto Rico. For maximum transparency and participant protection, the sale is regulated by a Smart Contract deployed on the Ethereum Blockchain.

During the token sale, GTE tokens will be available in return for Ether (ETH) contributions. To obtain GTE tokens, contributors will send Ether / Bitcoin to the official GreenTek token sale Smart Contract address. GTE tokens will be automatically sent to the contributors’ wallet address as soon as the purchase is confirmed. GreenTek will list our GTE token on the Binance-Dex Exchange.

Use of Proceeds

Token Distribution

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